Ferrous Ascorbate: The better absorbtion of Iron Thrice as well absorbed in comparison to Ferric form
Folic Acid: Helps in preventing Foetal Defects
In the treatment of Iron deficiency Anaemia
(Amoxycillin 500mg & Sulbactum 250mg)
Gynecological Infection
Post Surgical Infection
Dental Infection
As some recent studies have suggested tha patient have developed resistance against Clavulanic Acid to overcome that problem. ZRS Labs introducing a combination of Amoxycillin + Sulbactum since Sulbactum was available in parenteral form and doctor has found wonderful results with it so here ZRS Labs introducing Amoxycillin + Sulbactum in oral therapy.
Role of Methylcobalammine & Folic Acid: Methylcobalammine along with Folic Acid is important for homocysteine reduces osteoporotic activity hence decreases bone resorption
Role of Omega-3-Marine Triglycerides: Omega-3 fatty acids prevents the activation of nuclear factor prevents inflamation, bone loss & muscle breakdown. Increase measure of bone density in postmenopausal women
Role of Calcium Citrate: Calcium Citrate contains 60% elemental calcium, Minimizes bone loss during pregnancy and lactation in women & fulfill calcium deficiency
Role of Boron: Markedly reduces the urinary excretion of calcium (44%) hence increase the calcium absorption
Role of Calcitriol:Active form of Vitamin D3 is important for absorption and function of calcium in the body
Frequently upgraded, our manufacturing equipment and the combination of the latest technological tactics in the production procedures have made us capable of manufacturing products that can be relied upon with closed eyes when set into action in the industry. With a team of skilled engineers and process wizards from the manufacturing industry, we have been able to manufacture our products as per the international quality criterions.